Neil Young Talks Greta Thunberg, ‘Harvest’ and CSNY Reunion In New Interview
Words by Riley Fitzgerald
Graphic by Press
“People on the streets can’t see past next week,” Neil Young shared with the American Association of Retired People’s official magazine.
The 73-year-old Young may have been addressing readers whose youth was well behind them but true to form he didn’t shy away from the issues.
“They’re not thinking about their kids or their kids’ kids,” the artist leveled when asked about climate change. “I don’t fly anymore, except to Europe. I can’t do the Greta Thunberg thing.”
Young, it seems, is a fan of the 16-year-old activist.
“She’s so great,” he enthused. “I tried to reach her but she’s swamped; I couldn’t get her. I just wanted to tell her to remain positive and not be emotional. She’s not very emotional anyway, but when she is, (opponents) are going to grab those images of her face and sensationalize it. You can’t give them anything like that to work with.”
Young then turned his mind to touring.
“I was just offered millions of dollars for a tour to do Harvest,” he shares. “Everyone who played on Harvest is dead. I don’t want to do that. How about planting instead of harvesting?”
It also seems that a Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young reunion is off the cards as Young and David Crosby remain at odds.
“Crosby should write an introspective book: Why People Won’t Talk to Me Anymore,” Neil states. “He made a lot of great music for a long time. I don’t know what happened with David. I got nothing to say. I love Stephen. I love Graham. If a reunion happens, it would be a surprise.”
That said he won’t be retiring anytime soon.
“The idea is, do not stop moving,” he concluded in a reply that would not doubt solicit a collective cheer in the minds of his American Association of Retired People readers.
You can read the interview in its entirety here.