
Paul McCartney Namechecked By Liam Gallagher In Latest Oasis Spat

Words by Riley Fitzgerald
Graphic by Press

For someone who honestly and I mean HONESTLY thinks he’s the Paul McCartney of his generation,” former Oasis vocalist Liam Gallagher Tweets,” [He] is seriously deluded.”

Liam refers to brother Noel whom he has been publicly quarreling with since the demise of Oasis in 2009.

Noel’s opinion of Liam is no better.

Imagine Macca saying all new Beatle fans are pricks,” Liam adds.

Here Liam refers to Noel’s recent remark that a newer generation of 15 to 18-year-old fans discovering Oasis “had no idea what was going on” and were “pissants.”

(Noel has since publicly apologized for these remarks.)

While McCartney, like Noel, struggled under the shadow of his former band in past, these days he holds the legacy of the group in high regard.

We were a great group,” Paul shared with Billboard earlier this year. “The more I listen, the more I’m amazed, because a lot of that stuff was live. You listen to the Ed Sullivan performances and you think, ‘Wow.’

Liam Gallagher may share a similar attitude towards Oasis, closing his remarks with a comment upon his brother’s statement that he was looking to take a year-long break from music in 2020:

Sorry kid you need more than a year off you are an embarrassment to the family.”

While the Gallagher brother remain divided by their personal differences both remain Beatle and Paul McCartney fans.

McCartney’s affection is returned, although he believes the two brother’s 1996 claim that they were bigger than the Fab Four were somewhat misplaced.

Oasis were young, fresh and writing good tunes,” Paul McCartney shared with Q magazine in 2016. “I thought the biggest mistake they made was when they said ‘We’re going to be bigger than The Beatles’. I thought ‘So many people have said that, and it’s the kiss of death.’ Be bigger than the Beatles, but don’t say it. The minute you say it, everything you do from then on is going to be looked at in the light of that statement.


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